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The following initiatives showcase some of our efforts to shift paradigms within our current priority areas: human and planetary health; and just and safe economies.


The deeply systemic nature of these initiatives make them challenging to classify (as they exist at intersections by design), and their global ambition and scale makes them challenging to map.

These initiatives are not just about us, but about everyone with whom we are co-creating these initiatives. We are privileged to be co-creators and accelerators of these critical agendas with the inspiring people who care about them and are attempting to solve them.

These initiatives are not just about us, but about everyone with whom we are co-creating these initiatives. We are privileged to be co-creators and accelerators of these critical agendas with the inspiring people who care about them and are attempting to solve them.

Preventing Pandemics at the Source

Transforming humanity's broken relationship with nature to prevent the next pandemic before it starts - and also mitigate climate change, reduce biodiversity loss, and improve equity

Preventing Pandemics at the Source (PPATS) confronts the problem of emerging infectious diseases at its root, building on the singular opportunity for change spurred by COVID-19. By preventing the spillover of diseases from animals to humans, PPATS aims to not only provide a more equitable and comprehensive solution to stopping future pandemics, but also to create climate and biodiversity co-benefits in the process. Working with 20 leading global organizations as well as local communities, PPATS utilizes science, policy, and advocacy to prevent deforestation, curb wildlife trade, and improve the biosecurity of livestock production.

Sharing Strategies

Unleashing the public finance, advocacy, and country-level collaborative action that the world needs at the nexus of climate and development

In the face of concurrent crises of climate, conflicts, and inequality, Sharing Strategies exists to enable the international development, climate and nature action communities to break out of old ways of working, escape siloed thinking and structures, and partner strategically around critical agendas. With the catalytic leadership of experienced anti-poverty campaigner Jamie Drummond (co-founder of the ONE Campaign), Sharing Strategies convenes and connects a diverse set of aligned actors to drive transformational change and unlock the additional $2.4-3 trillion per annum needed to deliver transformative measurable results across the SDGs and global climate commitments.

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Using an integrated, systematic approach to accelerate cost effective solutions to learning poverty in Africa

Elimu-Soko serves as a stimulant and a clearinghouse for innovative solutions to fight learning poverty in Africa. Many innovators are developing cost-effective solutions for boosting the quality of education. However, public financing is not always available to introduce these innovations in public education systems. Elimu-Soko – a partnership amongst Hempel Foundation, Dalberg Catalyst, and Axum – solves this problem by unlocking public financing for these innovations. The overarching theory of change embraced by Elimu Soko is achieved through active engagement with governments, financial support for pilot projects, and the dissemination of knowledge and insights across the African continent.

Climate Action Platform for Africa 

Transforming Africa's role in climate change action

The mission of Climate Action Platform for Africa (CAP-A) is to unlock Africa’s potential as a global hub for climate action, underpinned by a new climate-smart model of economic growth and inclusive livelihoods. The platform’s work is informed by the realization that Africa’s demographics, growth trajectory and natural resource endowments, coupled with its extremely low levels of current carbon emissions, allow the continent to aspire to not just net-zero but a substantial net-negative carbon footprint sooner than any other part of the world. In 2023, CAP-A’s focus was on three foundational activities and two proof-of-concept initiatives in service of its mission. Foundational activities cut across all of CAP-A’s portfolio, provide the data and analytics feeding into all activities and drive their conversations and positioning.

Climate Smart Forest Economy Program

Building sustainable, nature-positive economies

The Climate Smart Forest Economy Program (CSFEP) partners with
communities to build radically new economies that balance ecosystem
needs and pressing human needs. It helps regions identify how careful use of bio-based products can provide a low-carbon solution for their biggest human challenges—while generating revenue for sustainably managing landscapes, especially forests. CSFEP is forest-first, so core to its model is a commitment to using natural resources at a rate they can be regenerated. A coalition of forest and climate advocates, including Dalberg Catalyst, EIT Climate-KIC, Axum, and Good Energies Foundation, founded CSFEP in 2020 to build a new economic model that could support forest health while addressing critical human needs.

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Background image: Dan Mayers, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
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© 2024 by Dalberg Catalyst

Dalberg Catalyst (formerly Dalberg Charitable) is a 501(c)(3) public charity which is legally separate from and independent of the other Dalberg entities.

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